Recognizing the Contribution of a Remote Team Member

How To Communicate Well in a Virtual World - Mercer Bradley

Recognizing the contributions of a remote team member shows you value, respect, and appreciate them. Recognizing remote workers may look a little different than how you recognize workers who are regularly in the office. Identifying this and shifting the focus will support team culture, collaboration, and cohesion. The results include greater innovation and a stronger […]

Dos and Dont’s of a Successful Interview

Understanding the dos and don’ts of a successful interview helps you conduct more productive conversations. This helps the interview process run smoothly. Conducting a successful interview helps you learn about a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experience that are relevant to the role. You also can share the job duties and responsibilities, expectations, work environment, and […]

How to Receive and Implement Feedback

Openly receiving and implementing feedback helps improve your work performance. As a result, you should intentionally create space for it and remain receptive. Feedback is not bad or negative, feedback is a way to learn and grow personally and professionally. Whether you receive formal or informal feedback, your brain immediately begins processing the input. Training your brain […]

Decluttering Your Workspace: Start the Year on the Right Foot

Vacationing 2021: Why This Might Be One of the Most Important Vacations You Take Mercer Bradley

If you feel unfocused and unproductive at work, take a look at your workspace. If your work area is cluttered, you probably have difficulty finding meeting notes, project plans, or other important information. This lack of organization could be contributing to your disengagement at work. Decluttering your workspace may be the best way to increase […]

Work-Life Balance: The Evolution

Implement any of these ideas to create a summer camp in your backyard. Mercer Bradley

The generations of employees in the workforce have different ideas of work-life balance. Many of these differences are due to significant events each generation experienced during the period they grew up in.   Maintaining a work-life balance helps reduce stress and prevent burnout. This helps your employees stay physically and mentally well. As a result, […]

3 Strategies for a Successful Knowledge Transfer Plan

How To Communicate Well in a Virtual World - Mercer Bradley

A recent survey conducted by The Harris Poll shows many Canadian companies are experiencing business continuity difficulties due to knowledge transfer. These businesses are not adequately preparing for retiring baby boomers to transfer their knowledge to their successors. According to the survey, two-thirds of employers say knowledge transfer is required for employees to fulfill their job duties […]