What Can You Do About Disruptive Change?

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What Can You Do About Disruptive Change_ Mercer Bradley

In order for companies to thrive this year, they need to respond to the trends that impact how organizations operate. This includes looking beyond financial goals and focusing more on employee needs. Effective responses to the following trends can help establish transformative growth for increased business success.

Companies that make modifications in line with the following trends are likely to be successful in 2022.

Think About Work in Terms of Capabilities  

The rapidly changing nature and structure of work require a focus on the capabilities needed to stay ahead in the marketplace.

  • Clarify your future roles, skills, and mindsets to deliver your business strategy.
  • Focus on sourcing and developing these roles and mindsets through reskilling, upskilling, recruitment, or temporary workers.
  • Take advantage of digital transformation to create new jobs, new ways of working, and new business models.
  • Focus on operating models, key performance indicators (KPIs), and organization structures to ensure they promote accountability throughout the company.

Shift to Enterprise Leadership

Prioritize network leaders who work across the organization to promote transformation in different areas.

  • Focus on fluidity, connectivity, and collaboration to stop fragmentation.
  • Grant more power and autonomy to frontline workers.
  • Aim for flatter, non-hierarchical structures.
  • Focus on the entire organization rather than the vertical.
  • Provide employees with more opportunities to make decisions.
  • Emphasize a shared purpose among employees.
  • Show how each employee’s actions contribute to the company’s success.

Emphasize Learning Agility for All Employees

Your leaders should not be the only ones expected to adapt and learn as needed.

  • Create more project-based work where teams collaborate to attain specific goals before returning to their regular tasks.
  • Develop hub-and-spoke work models and remote-only teams to change how work gets done.
  • Openly discuss accomplishments and mistakes, what was learned from them, and how to improve going forward.

Be Creative to Secure In-Demand Skills  

Find out what it takes to attract and retain the talent you need to be successful.

  • Examples include higher pay, greater benefits, supportive culture, flexible schedule, and remote work options.
  • Clear expectations, frequent check-ins, continuous feedback, and set deadlines are important.
  • Self-discipline and collaboration are required for employees to thrive.
  • The C-suite needs to hire and develop employees from underrepresented groups, pay equitably, and take stands on social issues.
  • Leaders must hold themselves and others accountable while responding to the demands of leading agile, fluid teams.

Prioritize Reskilling and Upskilling  

Offer ongoing learning and development opportunities to increase attraction and retention.

  • Reskilling and upskilling help strengthen relationships with employees.
  • Employees add more value to the organization while increasing their skill sets and career options.
  • Include opportunities to cross-train, gain business acumen, and increase knowledge of current automation and systems technologies.

Get Help with Accounting and Finance Employment

Modifying a Manitoba company to accommodate disruptive change requires additional accounting and finance talent. If you are a hiring manager, contact Mercer Bradley to see how we can help. If you are a candidate, reach out to see which career opportunities we have available today.

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