How to Receive and Implement Feedback

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Openly receiving and implementing feedback helps improve your work performance. As a result, you should intentionally create space for it and remain receptive. Feedback is not bad or negative, feedback is a way to learn and grow personally and professionally.

Whether you receive formal or informal feedback, your brain immediately begins processing the input. Training your brain to positively receive and implement it helps you remain grounded and curious. You can examine, understand, and process the feedback to use it to your benefit.

Follow these guidelines to positively receive and implement feedback.

Check In with Yourself

Take deep breaths as you receive feedback. Feel your feet as you connect with your center.

Pay attention to your emotions and energy. Focus on easing your body.

Center Your Listening

Actively listen to the feedback you are receiving. Remain open and curious about the other person’s ideas and perspectives.

Be aware of the interconnection and range of possibilities in the feedback. Focus on how they impact the bigger picture.

Process the Feedback

Think about the person’s words and their impact on you. Remain objective as you consider what you are hearing.

Ask clarifying questions to gather more information and check your understanding. Maintain your grounding and centered listening.

Focus on the factual parts of the feedback. This information is observable and grounded.

Let go of any opinions included in the feedback. This information is unhelpful.

Respond to the Feedback

Have responses ready to slow the conversation and monitor your reaction. This helps create space to process the feedback and determine possible responses.

For instance, take deep breaths, slowly nod, and share that the information is new to you. Therefore, you need a few moments to process it. Or, mention that you are surprised to hear this perspective and would like more context.

Find Support

The individual may become irritated if you ask open, honest questions about their feedback. If so, you will not learn anything from the conversation.

Remain objective as you thank the individual for their feedback. Let them know you will reflect on it.

Then, find a trusted mentor or colleague to discuss the situation with. Include a summary of the facts and opinions.

Ask your colleague for insight into the feedback. Respond accordingly.

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