Employee Attraction and Retention
Employee retention is a top priority for most employers. High retention rates provide many advantages: Elevated candidate attraction Increased employee engagement Better performance Greater productivity Stronger job satisfaction Higher employee morale Lower hiring, onboarding, and training costs Healthier bottom line Employer reputation As a result, you should take steps to strengthen employee retention. These tips […]
Innovative Approaches to Performance Reviews
Innovative approaches to performance reviews tend to be more effective than traditional approaches to performance reviews. For instance, performance reviews that take place every quarter help convey more accurate, unbiased feedback about recent events. Conversely, performance reviews that take place annually tend to be less accurate because a significant amount of time passed. These reviews […]
What Can You Do About Disruptive Change?
In order for companies to thrive this year, they need to respond to the trends that impact how organizations operate. This includes looking beyond financial goals and focusing more on employee needs. Effective responses to the following trends can help establish transformative growth for increased business success. Companies that make modifications in line with the […]
Equality vs. Fairness – Meeting Your Employees Halfway
Treating employees equally and fairly can be challenging. Because team members have different needs, motivations, personalities, and work preferences, treating them all the same way isn’t ideal. Since your teammates prefer different leadership styles, have different risk tolerance, and enjoy different tasks, if you treat your employees all same, they won’t all give you the […]
How Do You Manage Your Team’s Productivity During the Holiday Season?
The holiday season is one of the busiest times of year. Employees are preparing for family celebrations while still maintaining their professional responsibilities. Because the focus tends to be more on holiday festivities than on work, fewer tasks may get done on time. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to manage your team’s productivity […]