5 Business Lessons from the World of Sports

Many people are excited about the upcoming NFL playoffs. The battle for the Super Bowl  will determine who gets bragging rights as the best NFL team and the winner of many Fantasy Football Leagues. If you pay attention to the world of sports, you can find diverse business lessons. Many strategies used on the playing field […]

How Multigenerational Teams Can Drive Success Across the Board

How To Communicate Well in a Virtual World - Mercer Bradley

Today’s workforce mostly consists of baby boomers, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z. Gathering the collective knowledge, strengths, and perspectives of multigenerational teams drives innovation and organizational success. Embracing multigenerational teams enhances organizational adaptability, inclusion, and collaboration. These activities elevate problem-solving, continuous learning, and business growth. Discover how multigenerational teams contribute to business success. Adaptability […]

How to Create a Safe Space for Your Team to Share Their Thoughts

Your team members’ diverse personalities impact communication. Whereas some members naturally speak up, others might need encouragement to share their thoughts. As a manager, you should recognize your team members’ communication differences and provide relevant resources to help everyone feel comfortable sharing their ideas. Addressing diverse communication styles and offering support help create an environment […]

Building Stronger Teams Through Stay Interviews

A stay interview focuses on the employees you want to keep. Employees can share honest reasons why they want to stay or leave. Acting on employee feedback improves the workplace and strengthens retention. A manager, supervisor, executive, or other leader conducts a stay interview with a direct report to uncover specific actions they can take […]

Employee Attraction and Retention

Employee retention is a top priority for most employers. High retention rates provide many advantages: Elevated candidate attraction Increased employee engagement Better performance Greater productivity Stronger job satisfaction Higher employee morale Lower hiring, onboarding, and training costs Healthier bottom line Employer reputation As a result, you should take steps to strengthen employee retention. These tips […]

Innovative Approaches to Performance Reviews

Innovative approaches to performance reviews tend to be more effective than traditional approaches to performance reviews. For instance, performance reviews that take place every quarter help convey more accurate, unbiased feedback about recent events. Conversely, performance reviews that take place annually tend to be less accurate because a significant amount of time passed. These reviews […]