How to Make a Great First Impression When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Making a positive first impression is crucial, as it sets the tone for your future interactions with your employer and colleagues. Here are some things to keep in mind: Dress appropriately: Make sure to dress according to the company’s dress code. If in doubt, it’s […]

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Leave Your Role?

The decision to leave your job requires a lot of thought. Although challenges at work are to be expected, experiencing long-term dissatisfaction is not. If you consistently are unhappy at work, it may be time to change employers. This is especially true if you lack work-life balance or opportunities for growth. You should be able […]

Developing Your Skills While Doing the 9 to 5

Mercer Bradley_Developing Your Skills While Doing The 9 to 5

As an accounting and finance employee, career advancement is a top priority. This involves developing the knowledge, skills, and experience required to take on additional responsibility. One way to accomplish this is by developing your skillset during the work week. By finding ways to increase the value you provide your employer, you set yourself up […]

New Career Skills You Never Thought You’d Need

New Career Skills You Never Thought You'd Need | Mercer Bradley

As you move along in your accounting & finance career, you pick up new skills. Adding technical skills and cultivating soft skills are two key parts of career advancement. However, one aspect of moving up the ladder that often is overlooked involves introspection. Close evaluation of your mental and emotional processes provides insight into how […]

Are You Bored at Work? It Could Be More Than That

If you’re bored at work, there may be a variety of reasons. Your interest may no longer align with your work. You might not be fully using your capabilities. There could be little opportunity for growth and learning. Perhaps you have no clear goals. Ignoring your boredom can make things worse. Increased stress, poor mental […]

6 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Get a Counter Offer

What Matters to Your Stakeholders?

When you accept a new accounting job and let your manager know you’re leaving, they may give you a counteroffer. Your manager might question why you’re leaving and try to convince you to stay. Before deciding whether to accept a counteroffer, it’s in your best interest to consider why the offer is coming once you […]