Building Healthy and Smarter Habits for the Future of Work
The habits you build today impact your quality of life. Similarly, the decisions you make now impact what happens down the road. This is why you need to be taking action in line with your short- and long-term personal and professional goals. This process lets you become the best version of yourself. Choose among these […]
How to Communicate And Engage Well in a Virtual World
Since the onset of the coronavirus, more business communication has been occurring through video conferencing. Because of the ease with which employees in different locations can communicate, the use of video conferencing is here to stay. As a result, you need to find ways to connect with your virtual audience to keep them engaged. We’re […]
Being a Team Player Also Means Saying No Sometimes
As an accounting and finance professional, your role sometimes involves additional work, longer hours, and tasks not included in your job description. Since you want to be seen as a team player, you go above and beyond expectations to help your team perform its best. However, you need to keep an eye on how much […]
Developing Your Skills While Doing the 9 to 5
As an accounting and finance employee, career advancement is a top priority. This involves developing the knowledge, skills, and experience required to take on additional responsibility. One way to accomplish this is by developing your skillset during the work week. By finding ways to increase the value you provide your employer, you set yourself up […]
New Career Skills You Never Thought You’d Need
As you move along in your accounting & finance career, you pick up new skills. Adding technical skills and cultivating soft skills are two key parts of career advancement. However, one aspect of moving up the ladder that often is overlooked involves introspection. Close evaluation of your mental and emotional processes provides insight into how […]
Lessons on Personal Life and Careers We Learned from 2020
Saying that 2020 was a time of rapid change would be an understatement. The coronavirus pandemic upended our lives. We began sheltering in place. Millions started working from home. When schools and daycares closed, parents began teaching and entertaining their kids throughout the day. However, as we struggled to shift from an on-the-go lifestyle to […]