Accountants Are More Prepared for This Year’s End

After learning to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, accountants are more prepared than ever to close out the year. Here's why. Mercer Bradley

By the end of 2021, your company will have been through a year-end close during COVID-19. As a result, you likely had to face challenges unlike anything else you experienced. Overcoming these obstacles should have helped you prepare for your next year-end close.   The following are some of the challenges you may have faced […]

The Importance of Planning and Forecasting for Uncertain Times

The Importance of Planning and Forecasting for Uncertain Times - Mercer Bradley

Planning and financial forecasting often are difficult in the best of times. During times of uncertainty, these functions become even more challenging but critical. Creating a plan to continue business operations during times of rapid change requires a team effort. You must find ways to adjust budgeting and forecasting on a more regular basis than […]