Cultivating Motivation in the Wake of Winter

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Cultivating motivation in the wake of Winter can be difficult. You might rather stay in your warm bed all day than get up and be productive.

Fortunately, you can take steps to increase motivation during the winter months. These suggestions can help.

Choose among these tips to cultivate motivation in the wake of Winter.

Regularly Exercise

Engage in 30 minutes of physical activity daily:

  • Practice yoga
  • Stretch
  • Run
  • Work out at the gym
  • Join an indoor sports team

Meditate Daily

Schedule 5 minutes of meditation each day:

  • Sit in a quiet, comfortable room.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Notice your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Focus on letting your mind rest.
  • Work up to meditating for longer periods over time.

Daily meditation can help reduce anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. This practice can elevate your mood and motivate you to move forward during the dreary winter season.

Modify Your Diet

Focus on consuming healthy foods:

  • Eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids three to five times weekly. Salmon, lake trout, and sardines are among the best options to help boost your mood.
  • Consume whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and an egg daily. The choline helps regulate nerve function and metabolism to maintain stable energy levels.
  • Warm up with homemade hot chocolate using natural cocoa powder that contains heart-healthy, mood-boosting flavonoids. Prepare this beverage with fortified milk before bed to help you sleep. The carbohydrates, protein, and vitamin D help increase serotonin levels to promote relaxation.

Maintain a Sleep Routine

Keep your regular sleep schedule, even on your days off:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  • Maintain a soothing bedtime ritual that supports sleep.
  • Ensure your sleeping area is cool, comfortable, and quiet.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours nightly.

Engage in Fun Activities in Winnipeg

Find indoor and outdoor activities that fit your interests:

  • Festival du Voyageur: The festival runs from Friday, February 16 to Sunday, February 25, 2024. Enjoy activities and concerts for children, including a giant slide, playground, horse-drawn sleigh rides, snowshoe excursions, crafts, and apprentice traveler workshops. More than 150 bands perform, including children’s music, traditional French-Canadian fiddle music, local and national singer-songwriters, rock, indie pop, and rap.
  • Free tobogganing: Take advantage of free toboggan hills and winter events.  
  • Croc a Doodle: Bring your kids to paint unique pottery pieces. Sign up for a kids’ class or come as a family to paint and play. Reservations recommended.
  • Thermëa: Indulge in an adults-only weekend at a healing center focused on thermotherapy and relaxation techniques. Engage in a multi-sensory experience in an immersive natural setting to enhance your health and well-being.

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