How Do You Know When It’s Time to Leave Your Role?

The decision to leave your job requires a lot of thought. Although challenges at work are to be expected, experiencing long-term dissatisfaction is not. If you consistently are unhappy at work, it may be time to change employers. This is especially true if you lack work-life balance or opportunities for growth. You should be able […]

What Stories Do Your Financials Tell? (And Why Does It Matter to Your Employees?)

Explaining the numbers on the financial documents with stories shows employees why the numbers and how their behaviors impact them. Mercer Bradley

All of the numbers on your company’s financial statements have a story about how they came to be. Communicating the numbers and the stories behind them shows employees why they matter. When employees have a clear understanding of how their day-to-day decisions and actions impact the company’s financials, they make more informed decisions in the […]

How to Explain Financial Information to Your Team

How to Explain Financial Information to Your Team Mercer Bradley

Team members who do not have a background in accounting may not understand the financial information about your company or why it matters. As an accounting professional, you need to take steps to overcome this barrier. The following are some suggestions. How To Explain Financials Information To Your Team · Share simplified versions of the […]

How to Develop a High-Trust, High-Accountability Organization

How to Develop a High-Trust, High-Accountability Organization Mercer Bradley

Whether your accounting and finance team is remote, hybrid, or onsite, you want to develop levels of trust and accountability that are as high as possible. When your employees have the autonomy to perform their tasks with little supervision, they feel empowered and respected. This leads to high levels of engagement and productivity. As a […]

Accountants Are More Prepared for This Year’s End

After learning to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, accountants are more prepared than ever to close out the year. Here's why. Mercer Bradley

By the end of 2021, your company will have been through a year-end close during COVID-19. As a result, you likely had to face challenges unlike anything else you experienced. Overcoming these obstacles should have helped you prepare for your next year-end close.   The following are some of the challenges you may have faced […]

Benefits of Being Willing to Accept a New Job

Benefits of Being Willing to Accept a New Job Mercer Bradley

Deciding to move to a new accounting and finance job can help with your career advancement. With the significant number of companies hiring, now is a good time to start your job search. The potential for increased income and new skills can help you reach your professional goals. Discover three reasons to change to a […]