Next Gen Accounting Talent – 8 Ways to Identify the Next Leaders in Your Company

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At the core of your company is a team of skilled leaders making good decisions. Many of these leaders are on your accounting team. Because you want your company to continue to make wise decisions about financial and strategic management and planning, you need to identify future leaders on your accounting team. Because they keep your business moving forward, you must choose which of your accountants displays leadership skills that you can develop.

Here are eight ways to determine future leaders on your accounting team.

1. Focus on Potential

Look for future leaders who want to grow and develop others. These people have a vision, know how to communicate, and want to build a team. These leaders exhibit boundless curiosity and influence coworkers at all levels of the organization.

2. Evaluate Coaching Skills

Find future leaders who want to be coaches. They like being coached and mentored to success. These leaders enjoy sharing and hearing coaching stories and desire to serve others in a similar capacity.

3. Look for Investment in the Company’s Future

Find future leaders who are invested in the organization’s continued success. They have a significant interest in company goals and engage in future planning and strategy. These leaders contribute ideas and propose strategies to improve the workplace, grow the business, and streamline processes. They go above and beyond to get results for the accounting team and organization.

4. Review Performance Weekly

Evaluate future leaders’ performance on a weekly basis. Determine how their actions align their performance with business goals and influence change. See how these individuals demonstrate effective leadership.

5. Cross-Train for Accounting Roles

Let future leaders work in various roles on your accounting team. Challenge, push, and stretch their skill level. Place these leaders in functions with new responsibilities to expand their knowledge, experience, and qualifications.

6. Find Employees Driving for Results

Look for future leaders who achieve more than expected. They have a passion for their work, love learning, and seek out creative challenges. These leaders take pride in a job well done, appreciate exploring new approaches to work, and find ways to increase efficiency and effectiveness.

7. Search for Emotional Intelligence

Determine which future leaders exhibit emotional intelligence. They communicate words and feelings in a clear, direct, positive manner. Because these leaders have a high degree of self-awareness, they focus on why the same issues continue to come up and how they can change them. They carefully assess and process situations from all angles until they get to the root of the matter.

8. Evaluate Resilience

Determine how resilient future leaders are. They accept failure, learn from their mistakes, and continue to work until attaining desired results. These leaders accept responsibility for their decisions, including mistakes, and share what they learned so others learn from their experiences.

Hire Accounting Leaders

Hire accounting leaders through Mercer Bradley. Our recruiting firm gets to know your company, its goals, and your needs, then matches you with candidates with the skills and experience to need for short- and long-term success. Partner with us today!


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