The Real Reasons Why a Temp Role Looks Fantastic on Your Resume

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Working in temp roles enhances your resume. You can gain the necessary skills and experience to advance your career and add professional references to your network. You also can avoid gaps in your employment history and show you are a dedicated worker.

4 Reasons Why Temp Accounting Roles Are Great For Your Career

1. New Skills

Working as a temp enhances your skill set. For instance, you are able to try out more roles in a short amount of time and decide whether to pursue permanent work in that industry. This is especially important if you have not chosen a profession, want to broaden your core competencies, or are interested in changing to a new field. Make a list of the roles and companies you want to try out, then work on them beginning with your highest priority. As you gain additional experience, you can decide what you want your career path to look like, then work in different roles with different types of companies to gain the necessary skills to achieve your goals.

2. Experience

Being employed with temp work helps you gain the experience needed to secure full-time work. For instance, you can get your foot in the door to companies you may not otherwise work at. Also, you can establish yourself as a dedicated worker who would benefit the company even longer by being offered a full-time position. Additionally, you determine how well you fit with company culture and whether you would enjoy working there permanently. Further, you build connections with coworkers and executives who may introduce you to other opportunities.

3. Professional References

Working in temp positions provides you with professional references. You can ask your colleagues, hiring manager, and others to share their experiences working with you. Providing qualified references can strengthen your case to be hired for a full-time role.

4. Dream Job

Taking on temp roles can lead to your dream job. For instance, you can gain the experience needed to land a full-time entry-level position in the industry you want. Talk with the recruiter about what types of positions you are looking for, the size, culture and industry of companies that interest you, and whether you want part- or full-time work. They will determine whether any client companies need what you have to offer. Because companies request temps when they need to immediately replace an employee who left or to immediately handle seasonal overflow work, you will be completing regular duties as you would with a permanent job. Because the company needs a worker right away, they may be more willing to accept someone who does not fit all of the requirements. At the end of each assignment, you can ask the hiring manager what your next step should be to reach your career goals, then give the recruiter that information to guide your next placement.

Find Temp Finance or Accounting Jobs in Winnipeg, Edmonton or Vancouver

Find temp finance or accounting jobs in Western Canada through the professional recruiters at Mercer Bradley! Explore these newest opportunities or reach directly out to us if you’re interested in a temp role.

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