Company culture is what holds an organization together. It motivates employees to overcome challenges and move the company forward. Company culture may also be affecting your ability to hire top talent.
Here are five reasons why.
Reason #1: Culture May Not Be Defined
Hiring for culture fit cannot be done if company culture is not clearly defined. Ask employees at all levels to provide input on what they believe company culture should be like. Find out what is most important to a majority of employees and to specific groups to include diversity in your decisions. Develop language that consistently portrays company culture and use it in recruiting materials and practices. Include information on culture in all avenues of marketing and job postings.
Reason #2: Culture May Not Be Reinforced
If culture is not reinforced at all levels of the company, top professionals typically will not want to work for you. Employees want to know what to expect from colleagues and the company as a whole. Reinforcing culture means that employee interactions are in line with the company’s mission, vison and values. Because behavior is consistent at all levels, surprises are minimal. Employees will feel more comfortable in the work environment, trust each other and know how to react in a given situation.
Reason #3: Culture May Not Be Clearly Marketed
If your company culture is not clearly marketed, you will not attract the type of candidates you are looking for. You want to promote your culture through your website, social media, job postings, employee interactions and more. You will attract qualified candidates who hold similar beliefs and see themselves working for your company. As a result, you will experience increased performance and higher retention rates.
Reason #4: Culture May Not Be Part of the Hiring Process
Company culture may not be focused on during the hiring process. Ensure interviewers, hiring managers and HR professionals share their ideas and make good decisions when deciding who may be a good culture fit. Look for candidates who identify with the values and best practices your company adheres to. Use behavior-based questions to assess culture fit. Identify competencies related to core values and ask candidates to discuss situations where they demonstrate the competencies. Train hiring managers to understand the nature of each question and how to interpret and evaluate the data.
Reason #5: Skills Fit May Not Mean Culture Fit
Even if a top candidate has the right skills and experience for a role, they may not fit with company culture. As a result, the candidate is less likely to feel comfortable in the workplace, collaborate well and remain with the company long. By hiring a candidate who blends well with company culture, you can teach them the skills they need to be successful in the role. The candidate will more likely enjoy their colleagues and work environment and share ideas and input. The candidate typically will remain engaged in their work and stay loyal to your organization longer.
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