Great Questions to Ask Top Candidates

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When interviewing candidates for accounting positions, you want the best hires so you get the best results. Here are a few questions you can ask accounting candidates to find top talent that will best fit your needs.

1. Why Did You Decide to Work in Accounting?

Top candidates pay attention to detail and perform the same tasks repeatedly without making mistakes. Listen to the candidate’s answer to determine what interests them most about accounting and whether they may be reliable with their work.

2.  What Software Packages for Accounting Have You Used in the Past? How Would You Change Them?

Based on your candidate’s answer, you’ll gain a better understanding of their background. Because software packages vary in cost, function and quality, a strong candidate understands the difference between a less-expensive package and a higher-quality one. Also, if the candidate stays current on the latest software, they may suggest ways you can improve your own systems. In addition, listen to whether the candidate prefers one specific software package. If you don’t use that package, the candidate may not be eager to learn it, which may cost you time and money in lost productivity.

3. How Do You Obtain Information for Creating Accounting Reports?

Be sure you focus this question on the accounting discipline you’re hiring for. For example, you may inquire about how your candidate prepares outstanding customer invoicing reports for accounts receivable positions. Your goal is figuring out how broad your candidate’s methods for gathering information are and how detailed the candidate is with their process. This helps determine how accurately your candidate prepares reports.

4. What Has Been the Most Challenging Accounting Task You Had to Handle?

A top candidate finds ways to help companies reduce costs and waste and avoid legal issues. Make sure your candidate gives specific examples of helping former employers in at least one of those areas.

5. Is There Anything You Noticed Our Company Doing That Could Be Improved?

Listen to whether the candidate has strong business sense, such as how well they understand processes being followed in other departments. Your best candidates will want to find ways to improve those processes and be excited to make changes that benefit your organization. You’ll gain insight into running the company more efficiently whether you hire the candidate or not.

6. What Steps Do You Take to Reduce Mistakes in Your Work?

Although everyone makes mistakes, the best candidates have a system in place for minimizing mistakes. For example, candidates should double-check their work, use a calculator or software to review their accuracy and ask colleagues for help when needed.

Are you looking for expert accounting professionals?

Follow these tips to attract top talent to your organization. For further help securing your best accounting workers, contact Mercer Bradley today or check out our expert accounting professionals in our talent showcase!


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