How to Explain Financial Information to Your Team
Team members who do not have a background in accounting may not understand the financial information about your company or why it matters. As an accounting professional, you need to take steps to overcome this barrier. The following are some suggestions. How To Explain Financials Information To Your Team · Share simplified versions of the […]
Why Is Working with a Recruiter One of the Best Ways to Find a New Job in Today’s Competitive Market?
Finding the accounting and finance job you want can be challenging. Whether you are reentering the workforce or leaving your current role, finding and applying to the right match, interviewing, and waiting for the results can be daunting. Fortunately, you do not have to go through the process alone. Working with a recruiter who specializes […]
Accountants Are More Prepared for This Year’s End
By the end of 2021, your company will have been through a year-end close during COVID-19. As a result, you likely had to face challenges unlike anything else you experienced. Overcoming these obstacles should have helped you prepare for your next year-end close. The following are some of the challenges you may have faced […]
New CPA? Here’s How To Write the Right Resume for the Job
When writing your CPA resume, be sure you customize it or your cover letter for each role you want. Because each employer’s qualifications and needs are unique, you want to show how your knowledge, skills and experience are exactly what they’re looking for. Focusing on how you can add value to a company increases your […]
5 Ways to Prove Your Value During an Interview
An interview is designed to show your value to an employer and provide reasons why they should hire you. By thoroughly preparing for your presentation, you increase your chances of being offered a role. Here are five ways to prove your value during an interview. Prove Your Value During an Interview with These Tips: 1. […]
3 Ways to Fill Accounting Jobs That Are Hard to Fill
Accounting jobs in Canada are among the hardest positions to fill. As countries become even more connected and the economy more complex, accountant roles require increased demands and expectations that aren’t easily met. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to find qualified candidates to fill your company’s needs. Here are three ways to hire […]