Staying in touch with your recruiter is imperative to your job search. Here are some benefits you’ll receive when calling, emailing or texting your recruiter monthly or as needed.
Create Relationship
Regularly communicating with your recruiter helps you build a strong relationship. Let them know what’s going on with your current role, whether you’re searching for a new position or not. As your recruiter gets to know you, they’ll be better at letting you know of opportunities that may interest you and preparing you for interviews with quality employers. Ensure you’re always honest about your skills and experience so your recruiter may help you find the best match for your qualifications and desires.
Show Availability
When your recruiter knows you’re available for interviews, they tend to think of you more often when job opportunities arise. For this reason, it’s important you take your recruiter’s calls and answer their emails or texts as soon as possible. Always be polite and respectful of your recruiter’s time. Be sure to let them know when you secure a position, and thank your recruiter for their time.
Seek Advice
You can always ask your recruiter about what your industry or a specific company is looking for in job candidates. As required skill sets continue changing, it’s important you add to your areas of expertise so you remain qualified for positions as they become available. Your recruiter can help you improve your performance during the entire hiring process so the company you desire brings you aboard.
Gain Inside Information
Your recruiter is an expert on the job market. Because they stay in touch with employers in your profession, recruiters know about unadvertised job openings as they become available. Since fewer candidates will know about unadvertised positions, you’ll face less competition when interviewing for one. In addition, your recruiter can give you greater insight into the company, opportunity, or industry, further benefitting you in securing a position.
Provide Referrals
It’s important you give referrals to your recruiter. They’ll enjoy having you send them qualified candidates as a way of showing appreciation for investing their time in helping you.
Are you looking for a recruiter that can help you find great job?
Don’t handle your entire job search on your own. Reach out to the staffing professionals at Mercer Bradley today!