Elevate Your Game: A Strategic Playbook for Your Next Interview


As you prepare for your interview, here is some advice that will elevate your game! Keep in mind that interviews are aimed at finding strong matches more than providing candidate qualifications. Because the interviewer already knows your work history from your resume, you do not need to focus on it during the discussion unless asked… Read more »

Navigating Your Successful Resignation


The last impression you make at a job is important. Maintaining flexibility and emotionally adjusting as you transition between roles is essential. How you leave a job says a lot about you. The way you strengthen relationships at the company you are leaving and begin networking within your new organization impacts your career. Keep in… Read more »

Developing Your Skills While Doing the 9 to 5


Mercer Bradley_Developing Your Skills While Doing The 9 to 5

As an accounting and finance employee, career advancement is a top priority. This involves developing the knowledge, skills, and experience required to take on additional responsibility. One way to accomplish this is by developing your skillset during the work week. By finding ways to increase the value you provide your employer, you set yourself up… Read more »

New Career Skills You Never Thought You’d Need


New Career Skills You Never Thought You'd Need | Mercer Bradley

As you move along in your accounting & finance career, you pick up new skills. Adding technical skills and cultivating soft skills are two key parts of career advancement. However, one aspect of moving up the ladder that often is overlooked involves introspection. Close evaluation of your mental and emotional processes provides insight into how… Read more »

Benefits of Accepting a Job Offer Now


Benefits of Accepting a Job Offer Now - Mercer Bradley

Like many people, you may be in the market for a job right now. If you recently finished a line of interviews and were offered a position, you might be wondering whether to accept it. Of course, thoroughly evaluating the offer and deciding whether it fits your short- and long-term goals and needs is imperative…. Read more »

3 Ways You Can Simplify Your Resume to Get It Read Today


Simplifying your resume means it’s crisp, clean, and able to hold the attention of a hiring manager or recruiter. Keeping it simple shows that you understand who are as a professional and what you have to offer an employer. Tailoring your skills and experience focuses on the professional elements you want to use in your… Read more »

Storytelling Is Essential to How You Manage Data


As an accountant, storytelling is essential to sharing data. Using stories to share how data relates to business decisions in easily understood ways helps to explain complex information in a digestible way. Because people remember impactful stories, they’ll more easily retain what you said and apply it to short- and long-term planning. Learn more about… Read more »

Mindfulness and Self-Confidence May Be the Key to a Balanced Accounting Career


Two important parts of having a balanced accounting career are mindfulness and self-confidence. Being able to focus on your task at hand is important for meeting deadlines. Self-confidence is required for when you hit low points in your career and need encouragement to keep going. Learn how you can incorporate mindfulness and enhance your self-confidence… Read more »

What to Look for in an Interviewer


When preparing for an interview, you’re most likely focused on impressing the interviewer with your job-based knowledge, skills and experience. However, you should also be thinking about ways the interviewer should impress you with what it’s really like working for the company. Here are a few things you should be looking for during your next… Read more »